En tidligere aktivitet:Foredrag om atomkraftClaude Sainte-Catherine, der er attaché ved den franske ambassade i Helsinki, vil fortælle om status for atomkraft, særligt med fokus på vores region. Herefter forventes der en debat blandt de fremmødte. Foredrag og debat vil foregå på engelsk. Efter arrangementet vil der mulighed for at deltage i et let måltid.
Nuclear Energy in France and in Nordic CountriesThe presentation will start with a status of nuclear energy in France as part of low carbon energy national strategy. The main institutional and industrial players in the nuclear energy field will be presented with the links among them and with international institutions. The safety principle of Generation III reactors will be outlined with the EPR and other reactors as proposed by Areva. Nuclear waste treatment and the related 2006 law will be summarised. Then, we will focus on research in nuclear energy with CEA (Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). CEA activities are covering fundamental research with neutron physics up to technological applications with experimental reactors. Teaching and training in nuclear science are also at the heart of CEA with other partners and now organised around International Institute for Nuclear Energy (I2EN). The author will then introduce the Nordic countries situation in nuclear energy and its recent evolutions. Finland selected the EPR as nuclear reactor under construction by TVO in Olkiluoto. Furthermore, the Finnish parliament decided in June 2010 to give the authorisation to construct two more units to TVO and Fennovoima. Sweden also see its situation evolving quite a lot during 2010 with a new energy strategy. This energy strategy allows the exploitation of the current nuclear fleet further than 2010 and the replacement of stopped units by new ones on the same sites. The strong points of these two Nordic countries are the nuclear waste treatment program with underground storage planned in granite. Et CV for dagens foredragsholder findes her, og her er også hans præsentation. Tidspunkt: Torsdag d. 10. februar 2011 kl. 17h00. Sted: COWI, Parallelvej 2, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby i auditoriet Tilmelding til tilmelding@cnisf.dk eller til Merete Hovgaard tlf. 2627 3732.
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